176th Diocesan Council
Friday, February 7
2:30 - 3:30 PM
Congregational Support: Navigating a Clear Path Forward with Episcopal Health Foundation & Mission Amplification - Room 202 A
Drawing on years of work with churches across the diocese, EHF and Mission Amp are developing a framework for supporting congregations as they build and sustain relationships within their local community.
This workshop will include both a real time demonstration of how this framework might apply to a particular church’s needs and time for small group discussions about how it might work in your context.
If you are unable to attend the workshop in-person, there will be additional opportunities to participate in this workshop on Zoom in both English and Spanish on the following dates: February 20 from 7:00 to 8:00 pm and February 27 from 12:00 to 1:00 pm. Registration for one of the Zoom workshops is available at https://www.episcopalhealth.org/congregations/events-and-webinars/.
Orientación para los Delegados Nuevos - Room 202 B
El Taller para nuevos delegados está diseñado para todos los delegados que se presentan por primera vez al Consejo Diocesano, tanto laicos como clérigos, así como para aquellos que deseen un curso de actualización sobre lo que llamamos “Consejo Diocesano 101”. Este taller es organizado por el Comité de Despacho de Asuntos, que está encargado por el Canon Diocesano de asegurar que todos los asuntos que el Consejo debe abordar (o “despachar”) se completen antes de la clausura. El taller incluye un estudio de la Constitución y los Cánones que rigen al Consejo, los propósitos y la autoridad del Consejo, así como una revisión de asuntos prácticos como el cronograma y el orden del Consejo, los procedimientos de votación y las reglas para el debate.
2025 Diocesan Budget - Room 202 C
Linda Riley Mitchell, Chief Financial Officer and Diocesan Treasurer, will present an overview of the proposed 2025 diocesan budget. The budget will be presented for approval during council.
Missional Community: Stories of Courage, Compassion & Connection - Room 202 D
In this workshop, we will discuss the definition of missional community and models to increase awareness and inspire engagement. Presenters will discuss various models of missional communities based on their stories and areas of affinity. The goal is to engage the imagination of workshop participants by having them share their own stories in small groups.
3:45 - 4:45 PM
New Delegates - Room 202 A
The New Delegates Workshop is designed for all first-time delegates—lay and clergy—to Diocesan Council, as well as those who would like a refresher course in what we call “Diocesan Council 101.” This workshop is put on by the Committee for Dispatch of Business which is charged by Diocesan Canon with ensuring that all matters required to be undertaken (or “dispatched”) by Council are completed by adjournment. The workshop includes a survey of the Constitution and Canons that govern Council, the purposes and authority of Council, as well as a review of practical matters such as the schedule and order of Council, voting procedures, and rules for debate.
Building Churches Better - Room 202 B
This workshop will discuss being good stewards of church buildings by maintaining and providing preventative maintenance. All church facilities should be treated like “vessels on the altar.”
Constitution and Canons - Room 202 C
This workshop will discuss the proposed changes to the Diocesan Constitution and Canons that will be discussed and voted on during the 176th Council.
Operating in a Digital Landscape 2.0 - Room 202 D
Let’s continue the conversation! Last year, we discussed getting started if you hadn’t taken the digital dive. This year let’s see how far you’ve come and circle back for those who are new to the digital scene. In this workshop, we will explore free resources to help you expand and enhance your digital footprint. We will discuss how you can take advantage of possible free lay resources, free online resources, and a lot more to help make your platforms as engaging as possible.